Looks like South film industry’s star choreographer-turned-director Prabhudheva is now gearing up to woo the Hindi film industry too. After breaking numerous records with his 2009 flick Wanted which starred Salman Khan, Prabhudheva is all ready to release his next- Rowdy Rathore with Akshay Kumar Sonakshi Sinha as the lead pair. The man acknowledges that there has been a marked difference in his life post the success of Wanted. After the widespread positive response Wanted got, Prabhudheva is now viewed not only as a choreographer, but a successful director too. Justifiably, the director has become busier as his visits to the B Town get more frequent. Though, he makes clear that he does not want to shift base to Mumbai already.
With many offers coming his way, Prabhudheva has his hands full and is going to make a film for Eros, and one for Tips. In fact, he is being considered an important factor in the revitalization of the action genre in Bollywood. However, the man himself humbly denies any such claim stating he is only a small part of this revival. Proving his mettle with the high-end action scenes in Wanted, he has everyone waiting eagerly the release of Rowdy Rathore.
Speaking about his latest film, Prabhudheva is all praises about the leading pair and says that both Akshay and Sonakshi were “tailor-made” for their respective roles. Addressing the controversy about Sonakshi having reservations with exposing, Prabhudheva rubbishes the rumor saying that on the contrary they too were happy as they also did not want to expose.
On the topic of having Sanjay Leela BHansali as his producer, Prabhudheva says he is a great man to work with and that he did not interfere in the film much other than suggesting the title ‘Rowdy Rathore’.
Prabhudheva insists that he is essentially a creative man and that only drew him to directing in spite of having a very successful spell as choreographer to his credit. He believes there is more creativity involved in direction. However, he wishes to do both balancing his time and dates optimally.
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