Parineeti Chopra, who was once being labeled as Priyanka Chopra’s cousin sister, has now her own standing in the film industry. Even she is just one film old but now people have started saying Parineeti or begun considering her with her own identity. That’s the beauty and the skills of the actress that made people recognize her with her own identity. She made her Bollywood debut with YRF’s Ladies vs. Ricky Bahl where she did the role of a supporting actress. Her character was loved a lot by the critics and moviegoers that she was awarded with numerous awards at all awards’ functions.
Then she signed another solo film with Yash Raj Films ‘Ishaqzaade’ opposite Arjun Kapoor. The movie is ready to hit the screens and this is the film and the promotional activities of the flick that people have now started recognizing her with her own identity. This has happened that she worked really hard in the movie even she got trained to learn the art of gun fires, etc.
She did not want to become an actor rather she wanted to be a banker. She is a tripe qualified girl. She says that she has done triple honors in Business, Economics and Finance. She mentions that she has grown up to be a banker only. Parineeti, 23, tells that she went to UK to study finance at Manchester Business School and then she switched to London since she liked working in an investment bank. Due to recession in 2009, she could not get job there. This did not happen that she was not qualified to get job there rather it was because that they did not offer the jobs to the non British nationals due to recession. Thus she came back to India and went to Yash raj Studios and she got fascinated by the studios. Here the liking developed for the films and she then stepped into the glittering world of Bollywood.
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