Mumbai: We have been continuously hearing about the wedding date of Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan’s marriage but all those were the big ripples making the rounds of the media. A lot has been written in media about the marriage date and a lot has been penned on their ongoing romance. Their being spotted together and getting cozy and all sorts of things were projected and are being focused in the entire media. Their romance is high in the air. Few days back, there were rumors about the wedding date i.e. 16th October but Kareena, in an interview, strictly and sternly denied all the reports saying all focus of the media and people was on her relationship and marriage. She also said there was no planning of marriage yet and that she was focusing on her movies only. But now her mother-in-law to be Sharmila Tagore has made it confirmed and put the silence mark on the wedding date’s rumors saying ‘yes, this (16th October) is the marriage date, we have zeroed in.’
So now what will you say Kareena, hmmmm? Obviously now Sasu Maa has made it confirmed now you will only be silent and your silence will make it confirmed.
Sharmila Tagore says that the marriage will happen on the same date and there will be a reception but not that big. The reports have it that the marriage will take place at Patudai’s ancestral home where only the close family members will be there to bless the couple. Later, another wedding reception will be arranged in Mumbai for family members and close friends. This too will not be lavish.
Kareena has confirmed Sanjay Leela Bhansali that she will continue shooting for his film Ram Leela as she has to continue with films post the marriage. Well, let’s see if Saifu gives you permission post marriage.
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